Wines of the Alentejo

Wines of the Alentejo

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The Alentejo is set in the South of Portugal, between the Tagus River and the Algarve. The East borders Spain and the West is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. Centuries of tradition are combined with the latest technologies to produce world-class wines here. The region’s vineyards pre-date the Romans and today house more than 250 producers.  The Alentejo boasts wines that will surprise you - their aromas and colours are as unique as the landscape and the cuisine.

This region was once an expanse of fields growing wheat. Today, the wheat fields have been replaced by vast vineyards, whose wines take in the warmth of the landscape.

Besides the Alentejo Regional Wine, there are wine producers spread across eight areas bearing a designation of origin - Portalegre, Borba, Redondo, Reguengos, Vidigueira, Évora, Granja/Amareleja and Moura. This allows for a diversity of choice anywhere in Alentejo.

The distinct characteristics of the soils according to the area (granite, limestone, Mediterranean or schist) the long hours of exposure to the sun and a group of selected grape varieties enable high-quality production, combined with the ability to preserve the tradition of flavour and innovation in the art of winemaking.

Crisp white wines are aromatic, fresh and balanced and red wines - ruby or garnet-coloured - are more intense, full-bodied and at the same time smooth and slightly astringent.

To make the right choice and understand the best pairing for a meal, there’s nothing better than visiting a wine cellar where you will be welcomed by the most knowledgeable winemakers who will enthusiastically enlighten you. You can also start at the Tasting Room (Sala de Provas) of the Alentejo Wine Route, in Évora, where several regional routes will be suggested. It also gives you an opportunity to visit the city of Évora, which has World Heritage status.

Portuguese wines are amongst the best in the world - try them for yourself. Contact our knowledgeable team to discuss your property needs - or call us: +351 308 800 878 or 0800 014 8201 free from the UK.

Published in: Guide to Portugal / Miscellaneous / Portuguese Life