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Approved Commercial Construction Project - Faja de Baixo, São Miguel Island, Faja de Baixo
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€ 1,250,000 £ 1,070,071 $ 1,334,834

Reference PP173263



Built in: n/a

11,519m2 Plot size

€ 109 £ 93 $ 116 / m2 plot

Approved Commercial Construction Project - Faja de Baixo, São Miguel Island, Faja de Baixo

Offers in Region of

€ 1,250,000 £ 1,070,071 $ 1,334,834

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Reference: PP173263



1 Bathrooms

Ownership Status: Private

Built in: n/a

11,519m2 Plot size

€ 109 £ 93 $ 116 / m2 plot

Architecture and Land Division Project approved.
Planning permission active until July 2023

LOT 01 (Collective Housing)
Number of habitable dwellings - 21
Nº of dwellings T2 - living area 94m2 - 1
Nº of two bedrooms apartments - living room 100,30m2 - 6
Nº of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 103,50m2 - 1
Number of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 106,30m2 - 5
Number of two bedrooms apartments - g.b.a. 107,90m2 - 5
No. of dwellings 3 bedrooms - g.b.a.. 146,60m2 - 1
No. of dwellings T3 - g.b.a.. 161,50m2 - 5

LOT 02 (Collective Housing)
Number of habitable dwellings - 12
Nº of dwellings T1 - g.b.a. 94m2 - 1
Nº of two bedrooms apartments - 102,50m2 - 6
Nº of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 106,30m2 - 5

LOT 03 (Collective Housing)
Number of habitable dwellings - 24
Nº of one bedroom apartments - g.b.a. 94m2 - 2
Nº of dwellings T2 - g.b.a. 103,90m2 - 12
Number of two bedroom apartments - g.b.a.. 106,30m2 - 10

LOT 04 (Collective Housing)
Number of habitable dwellings - 24
Nº of dwellings T1 - g.b.a. 94m2 - 2
Nº of dwellings T2 - g.b.a. 103,90m2 - 12
Nr. of two bedrooms apartments - g.b.a. 106,30m2 - 10


  • New development

Key information

Reference: PP173263



1 Bathrooms

Ownership Status: Private

Built in: n/a

11,519m2 Plot size

€ 109 £ 93 $ 116 / m2 plot

Mortgage Calculator

Taxes and Expense : € 0.00
Loan amount : € 0.00
Your monthly payments : € 0.00


Picturesque, verdant island with volcanic peaks, balconied mansions, blue lakes & calderas.

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Yours sincerely,
Michael Vincent

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