Why more Americans are buying homes in Portugal

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The dream of living abroad is becoming a reality for more and more Americans. Buoyed by the strength of the U.S. dollar, an increase in direct international flights and flexible hybrid work models, markets around the globe have seen an influx of American buyers over the past few years.
Last year, 45% of clients buying from us were American – so what’s the appeal?
Portugal has become a trendy country to invest in. Nothing is more satisfying than investing in a market with liquidity and where prices are surging. It increases the confidence of investors and entrepreneurs, who can cash their assets quickly and profitably.
With more people choosing to work from home, working from the 7th safest place in the world solidifies Portugal as a great country to invest in real estate. Add to this the best weather in Europe and great internet connectivity. Not just Americans are realising this, hence why Portugal has recently seen more foreign investment in real estate than in any other year. Portugal also has world-renowned logistics and infrastructure in rail, air and sea for passengers and cargo. Plus, Portugal now ranks as the 8th best country in the world in terms of speaking English competently.
More American buyers are choosing to retire here. The 2023 Annual Global Retirement Index from ‘International Living’, has once again highlighted Portugal as the top destination on the planet to retire.
Their Retirement Index is the most comprehensive and in-depth survey of its kind. The Index, produced for over 30 years, is informed by hundreds of opinions and real-life, on-the-ground experiences. They rank and score each of the 25 countries in the Index across 10 categories: housing, benefits and discounts, visas and residence, fitting in/entertainment, development, climate, healthcare, governance, opportunity and finally cost of living.
Portugal ranked highly across the board, but particularly in housing, benefits and discounts, healthcare, climate and fitting in/entertainment, finishing with a total score of 87.43 out of 100.
Speak to our experts to discover more on +351 308 800 878, 0800 014 8201 free from the UK or email hello@PortugalProperty.com to understand your options if you plan to call Portugal your home.
Published in: Guide to Portugal / Miscellaneous / Portuguese Life / Travel